Fashion with a budget.

Staying stylish and hip to the latest trends can have it's ups and downs. Mostly ups if you have the right recourses and knowledge for fashion inspiration.

As a hobby fashion designer, I must say that staying "in the now" with trends can be difficult at times. If I had an endless supply of money, I would not even break a sweat when facing those dreadful "nothing to wear" days, I could just simply buy what I want to wear whenever I want it, unfortunately life doesn't work that way for me. Until then, I am forced to mix and match my same boring clothes day in and day out. Well, maybe it's not so bad if you have a pair of scissors, sewing machine, or a shit-ton of buttons. With simple tools that we all have lying around the house , we can put them go use and incorporate them into daily fashion.  

When I was in 9th grade, I began learning how to sew. Within those next few months, my big sister bought me a sewing machine, and I've never regretted it. Imaginge buying some ugly oversized Tshirt and turning it into a cut casual dress, or glueing a few beads onto a pair of flats to make them look like a fortune , or even cutting a Tshirt up to make into a summer crop top? The possibilities are endless. With a little inspiration, confidence and motivation, YOU CAN be that fashionista everyone likes to compliment. NO EXCUSES! If you don't know how to use a sewing machine , use  glue!  If you can't afford designer clothes , start designing yourself!  If you don't see that you can ever be fashion forward and edgy, FAKE it  with confidence!  No excuses (ICDC college guy voice). 

Here are a few of my creations I've made in the past:


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